

On this weekend, I am seeing my senior who was the former student of the same program as mine.
It must be good chance to know my senior's experiences and it will help me to live a fullfilling life.
She will bring me a instant noodle from Japan.

Two weeks later,my lab's friends are coming here.
So far, they seem not to be interested in Finland at all. or perhaps not to be interested in travel itself.That is interesting.I want to know how they made up their mind to come here.
Anyway,I am looking forward to them.

And three weeks later,my friend in the same year of lacross club is coming. He seems to be intersted in Finland in contrast to my lab's friends.That's really nice.I will try helping him to have a great time in Finland.Actually I wanted to see his girlfriend.But she canceled.
Anyway,I am looking forward to seeing him.

I really appreciate all of them who will come here all the way.Thanks!