
Good luck

Tomorrow I am flying to Berlin to take part in Berlin marathon.My goal is to run whole course.Rout:Myyrumaki→Helsinki→Tallin→Berlin→Bremen→Tampere→Helsinki→Myyrumaki

Cabin affairs



続いて大学の部活の同期が遊びに来てます。 心配だった天気も回復にむかい、ストックホルムでは快晴! 三回目のストックにもテンションは上がりまくりでした。。Now my another friend stay at my flat. We are going to Stockholm tomorrow.

friends in my flat

今大学の友達が遊びに来ております。 めちゃめちゃ楽しいです。毎日アホなことして。。 来てくれてありがとう。Now my friends in Universtiy is coming to my flat. I am really enjoyed. We talk a lot about silly things. Thank you for coming here.

Difficulty in getting to the airport

Today I ran more than 30km. I was heading to the Vantaa Airport. When I came close to the Airport, the pedestrian road disappeared and I could not help running along the road shoulder. Many cars went by me surprisingly fast and they were r…

The decreace of the population

フィンランドは環境問題に対する意識が高いとか言われているけれど、そんなに一人一人の生活は日本人と変わっているように思いません。一例として何カ国かの電力消費量/人口を計算してみるとアメリカ 3660/3=1220 中国 1456.6/13=112 日本 971/1.2=809 フィ…


Today I attended the Finnsh course for the first time. I used to have too much me time in past days, so I was happy to attend the class. However in contrast to my expectation, it was really really difficult for me to understand. In the les…